
The Carbike Awards

2022 CNB Viewers’ Choice Awards Winnersplay button
2022 CNB Viewers’ Choice Awards Winners



2 years ago

The carandbike Viewers’ Choice Awards are our pride and joy. We are the only automotive publication that has an unbiased viewers’ choice awards category at our annual awards program every year. Spread over 7 categories, which includes new categories like technology, EVs, Pre-Owned amongst our regular categories, Siddharth Vinayak Patankar, Editor-in-chief, carandbike, announces the names of the winners of each viewers’ choice category this year.

CNB’s Tribute To Rahul Bajaj | 2022 carandbike Awardsplay button
CNB’s Tribute To Rahul Bajaj | 2022 carandbike Awards



2 years ago

A visionary, statesman, and a great leader. Padma Bhushan Rahul Bajaj was many things. But to all of us, he was and always will be hamara Bajaj. The man who put India’s middle class on wheels, Rahul Bajaj’s legacy goes well beyond just Bajaj Auto. From the Chetak to the Super and then on to Kawasaki, KTM and now seeing the Bajaj name span the globe, Mr Bajaj oversaw the company’s huge transformation. Perhaps the best tribute to Rahul Bajaj was seeing the rebirth of the Chetak in an all-electric avatar last year. carandbike salutes the legend whose loss leaves the Indian auto industry a bit weaker, but wiser with his immense contribution. Get the Latest News, reviews & updates from the world of Auto: https://www.carandbike.com/news

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